Mylar Vs. Foil Baby Balloons: Which One Is Preferred?
When celebrating the arrival of a baby, Mylar and foil baby balloons are the perfect way to do so. You can take an entire bouquet of Mylar baby shower balloons to a friend who is still in the hospital to brighten up her room, strategically place baby boy or baby girl balloon decorations around different rooms after your friend comes home with the baby, or choose balloons for baby shower centerpieces.

If you decide to use balloons for baby shower centerpieces, you can get one for the guest of honor’s table that consists of Mylar or foil balloons in different sizes, shapes, colors, and graphics, or you can place one bouquet of neutral colors on each table. After the baby shower is over, a few lucky individuals would have a beautiful bouquet of balloons to take home.
In addition to choosing balloons of different shapes, colors, sizes, and graphics, you need to decide between Mylar and foil. It is important to note that often, the term “foil" is used in place of Mylar. In that scenario, there is no difference between the two types; but when talking about aluminum foil balloons versus those made of Mylar, there is a distinct difference in that the materials are not the same.
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Balloons Online
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Mississauga, ON